
TOSHIBA e-STUDIO28/35/45 Unix Printer Driver
User’s Guide 8
Prints the usage guide. If no other parameter is specified, the
program will terminate. Otherwise, it will launch the
installation program either in graphical or text mode,
depending on value of the “g” parameter.
-u Uninstalls the specified <queue>
[q:]<queue> The name of the local print queue to be set up or uninstalled. q:
is optional. Any parameter without the tag is assumed to be
a print queue name. Only the last <queue>, if there’s more
than one specified in the parameter, will be used.
s:<server> The destination network printer server.
p:<portvalue> The printer port in <server>. <portvalue> is the name of the
printer port. This is print by default.
t:<insttype> Identifies the type of action on the print queue(s).
In Install mode, this implies installing of a server or client print
queue. <insttype> can be either server (default) or client.
In Un-install mode, if <insttype> is all, this un-installs all print
queues. All other values would un-install <queue>, if it is
specified. This is not all (not set and not used) by default.
g:<guitype> Tells whether to run in Graphical-mode or Text-mode. <guitype>
can be either yes (GUI, default) or no (Text).
<dval> is for depth value. Specifies the color depth to use to be
able to formulate the background color when running in GUI
mode. <dval> can be no or any numeric value. Non-digit
values are treated as no. no tells the program to use
system default colors for displaying the user interface.
This cdepth parameter is relevant ONLY if the Background color
setting is removed or commented out in the Setup resource
file. This is unused if Background color setting is in the
resource file.
The parameters can be specified in any order. In text mode, if a <queue> or
<server> is not specified in the command line parameter, the program will prompt
for it.
Example Usage:
./install q:pshakuba s:hakuba p:direct
where pshakuba is the desired print queue name, hakuba is the
network target printer, and direct is the Fiery direct port in the
hakuba printer. This opens the setup installation program in server
install type and GUI mode.
./install pshakuba
will open the setup installation program in server install type and
print Fiery port. This opens in GUI mode. The Network Printer field
will be empty waiting for user to specify a target printer.
./install pshakuba s:hakuba g:no
will run the setup installation program in Text mode. The pshakuba is
the desired print queue name. hakuba is the network target printer. It
will ask if the default print Fiery port will be used. And if not, it will
prompt for a new value.