Faxing from Applications 41
Select the contact you want to add as a recipient and click the [Fax]
icon ( ) in the tool bar.
y Repeat until all required recipients are selected.
y When you select the fax number as a destination, the fax number icon in front of the
name of the contact will be changed to the checked fax icon ( ).
y You can cancel selecting the fax number by selecting the contact and re-clicking the
[Fax] icon in the tool bar.
y You can also select the recipient’s fax number by right-click the contact and select
[Select] and [Fax Number] in the menu displayed.
After you selected all recipients, right-click on a recipient name in
the right pane and select [Selection] in the menu displayed.
The Destinations dialog box appears.
You can also display the Destinations dialog box by clicking the [Selection] icon ( ) in
the tool bar.