
Basic Skills
User's Manual 2-22
TOSHIBA Pocket PC e750
Last Saved on 02/05/2003 17:16
ENGLISH using Euro_M.dot –– Printed on 02/05/2003 as HDA51PX1T80
You can switch from one program to another by selecting it from the
menu. (You can customize which programs you see on this menu. For
information, see “Adjusting Settings,” later in this chapter.) To access
some programs, you’ll need to tap
, Programs, and then the program
You can also switch to some programs by pressing a program button.
Your device has one or more program buttons located on the front or side
of the device. The icons on the buttons identify the programs they switch
Some programs have abbreviated labels for check boxes and drop-down
menus. To see the full spelling of an abbreviated label, tap and hold the
stylus on the label. Drag the stylus off the label so that the command is
not carried out.
The following table contains a partial list of programs that are on your
device. Look on the Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD for additional
programs that you can install onto your device.
Icon Program Description
ActiveSync Synchronize information between your
Pocket PC and computer.
Calendar Keep track of your appointments and create
meeting requests.
Contacts Keep track of your friends and colleagues.
Inbox Send and receive e-mail messages.
Pocket Internet
Browse Web and WAP sites, and download new
programs and files from the Internet.
Notes Create handwritten or typed notes, drawings,
and recordings.
Tasks Keep track of your tasks.
Pocket Excel Create Excel spreadsheet or view and edit Excel
spreadsheet created on your computer.
MSN Messenger Send and receive instant messages with your
MSN Messenger contacts.
Pocket Word Create new documents or view and edit Word
documents created on your computer.