Paper jam error codes indicate where (within the machine) a recording paper jam
has occurred using a 2-digit number.
Paper Jam Error Codes
Cause How to Correct
A paper jam has occurred within
the paper feed section of the Re-
cording Paper Tray (when an Op-
tional Recording Paper Tray is in-
stalled: upper-tray).
A paper jam has occurred within
the paper feed section of the mid-
dle recording paper tray.
A paper jam has occurred within
the paper feed section of the lower
recording paper tray.
A paper jam has occurred within
the paper feed section of the By-
pass Tray.
A paper jam has occurred within
the Drum/Developer section of the
paper transport path.
A paper jam has occurred within
the paper exit section of the paper
transport path.
Open the right-side access door
and clear any paper. Then, draw out
the Recording Paper Tray (upper)
and remove any jammed recording
Open the right-side access door
and clear any paper. Then, draw out
the Recording Paper Tray (middle)
and remove any jammed recording
Open the right-side access door
and clear any paper. Then, draw out
the Recording Paper Tray (lower)
and remove any jammed recording
Open the Top Cover, remove the
Developer Assembly, and remove
the jammed recording paper.
Open the Top Cover, remove the
Developer Assembly, and remove
the jammed recording paper.
Open the Top Cover, remove the
Developer Assembly, and remove
the jammed recording paper.