
SECTION 100-816-201
MARCH 1993
IMDU: Remote Maintenance Modem Interface
Unit (STRATA DK16 only)—A subassembly
installed on a PIOU or PIOUS PCB in the op-
tional DK16 Expansion Key Service Unit that
allows the system to be connected with a remote
maintenance/administration terminal.
KCDU: CO Line/Digital Telephone Interface Unit
(STRATA DK16 only)—Optional printed circuit
board providing two loop start CO line circuits
and four digital telephone circuits that can be
installed in the Expansion Unit. The digital tele-
phone circuits support the same devices as the
PDKU except for the DDSS console.
KCOU: CO Line Interface Unit (STRATA DK16
only)—Factory-installed printed circuit board that
comes standard with the Base Key Service Unit
to provide four loop start CO line circuits. Avail-
able as a spare unit for field replacements.
KFCU: (STRATA DK16 only) Option feature car-
tridge that plugs into the Base Unit to provide
feature upgrades to DK16.
KPSU16: (STRATA DK16 only) Power supply that
comes factory-installed in the Base Key Service
Unit. This power supply provides power to the
entire system, in its standard and expanded
configurations. Available as a spare unit for field
K4RCU: (STRATA DK16 only) Optional unit that
can be installed in the Base Key Service Unit to
provide a 4-circuit Dual-tone Multi-frequency
receiver for CO lines and standard telephones.
It also provides busy tone detection for Auto
Busy Redial.
KSTU: Standard Telephone Interface Unit
(STRATA DK16 only)—Optional printed circuit
board that can be installed in the Base Key
Service Unit to provide four standard telephone
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display—Display used for
messaging, identification, and status that ap-
pears on some digital and electronic telephones.
LED: Light Emitting Diode—Status indicators lo-
cated on printed circuit boards, digital telephones,
and electronic telephones.
LSI: Large Scale Integration—Related to circuit
design technology. STRATA DK8 and STRATA
DK16 printed circuit boards use LSI circuit de-
MDF: Main Distribution Frame—The wiring frame
usually located in a phone closet.
MDFB: Door Phone Box—A peripheral two-way
speaker box option. Each MDFB connects to a
DDCB. A DDCB can support as many as three
OCA: Off-hook Call Announce.
PBX: Private Branch Exchange—Industry-stan-
dard term which refers to a telephone switch,
usually on-premises, which serves an individual
company, and is connected to a public tele-
phone exchange through the CO.
PCB: Printed Circuit Board.
PCM: Pulse Code Modulation—A widely used
form of digital telephone switching.
PCOU1: CO Line Interface Unit (STRATA DK16
only)—A printed circuit board that can be in-
stalled in the optional Expansion Key Service
Unit to provide the system with four loop start
CO lines circuits.
PCOU2: (STRATA DK16 only) The PCOU2 is a
direct replacement for the PCOU1. Their fit/
form/function is identical; however, for manu-
facturing reasons, the PCOU1 was phased out
in favor of the PCOU2.
PDIU-DI/PDIU-DI2: Integrated Data Interface
Unit—Replaces the normal digital telephone
base to enable the telephone to transmit and
receive data between a terminal/personal com-
puter connected to the telephone and data
devices connected to other PDIU-DIs, or to
modems, printers, and computers connected to