Network Fax Guide — Managing Address Book 77
3. In the Personal tab, enter items as described below.
One Touch ID — Select the one touch ID number for the contact (if desired).
Prefix — Select the prefix for the contact.
First Name — Enter the first name of the contact. You can enter up to 32 char-
Last Name — Enter the last name of the contact. You can enter up to 32 charac-
Suffix — Select the suffix for the contact.
Display Name — The display name is automatically entered as “[Prefix] [First
Name] [Last Name] [Suffix]”. You can also edit the name as you prefer. You can
enter up to 100 characters.
Company — Enter the company name of the contact. You can enter up to 64
Department — Enter the department name of the contact. You can enter up to
64 characters.
Fax — Enter the 1st fax number of the contact. You can enter up to 128 charac-
ters includes numbers and the following symbols: +, -, [space], *, #
Second Fax — Enter the 2nd fax number of the contact. You can enter up to
128 characters includes numbers and the following symbols: +, -, [space], *, #
E-mail Address — Enter the e-mail address of the contact. You can enter up to
192 characters with at least one @.
Notes — Enter the notes for the contact. You can enter up to 256 characters.
• You must enter “Last Name” and either “First Tel” or “E-mail Address”.