Local User Configuration
Item Description
Add Press the Add button to add a user to the list of local users.
Modify Press the Modify button to modify a local user.
Delete Press the Delete button to delete a selected user from the
Adding Users
1. Click on the Add button on Local
User Configuration screen, and
Local User Setting screen appears.
2. On the Local User Setting screen,
enter a name in the User Name box.
3. Enter a User ID number. If left
blank, the system will automatically
assign one.
4. Enter a password in the Password
box and re-enter the password in the
Confirm box.
5. Select which group the user will
belong to. Group Members is a list of groups this user belongs to. Group
List is a list of groups this user does not belong to. Use the << or >>
buttons to have this user join or leave a group.
6. Press the Apply button and the user is created.
All users are automatically assigned to the ‘users’ group.