Restoring the NAND Flash
A.6.3 Restoring the NAND Flash Using RAM Disk and a 2 GB SD Card
This procedure assumes the TFTP setup in Section A.3 has been
Once you have loaded the kernel binary to the corresponding NAND
partition as described in Section A.6.1, you can load the Ramdisk image
(ramdisk.gz) to the DDR memory via TFTP. The YAFFS2 image resides
on the 2 GB SD card. An MMC/SD card reader should be used to copy
the YAFFS2 image on the 2 GB SD card. Follow these steps:
1) Find the RAM disk image at
/home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/PSP_#_#/bin and copy it to the host’s
/tftpboot directory.
2) After aborting the boot sequence, download the RAM disk image to
the RAM as follows:
EVM # tftp 0x82000000 ramdisk.gz
3) Set the following environment variables to boot to Kernel and mount
to the RAM disk.
EVM # setenv bootcmd 'nboot 0x80700000 0 0x400000; bootm'
EVM # setenv bootargs mem=232M console=ttyS0,115200n8
root=/dev/ram0 rw initrd=0x82000000,4M ip=off
2025K davinci_enc_mgr.ch0_output=COMPOSITE
Note: These variables need not be saved to the NAND flash, as the
RAM disk is just a temporary filesystem.
4) Plug the 2GB SD Card into the MMC/SD slot on the DM357 EVM.
Note: If the card is not plugged in when the kernel boots the kernel
will lock-up when the card is hot-plugged later.
5) Execute the following command to boot to Kernel:
EVM # boot
6) Login to the EVM using the root username. Note that "root" does not
have a password.