Troubleshooting & Service Model T101 Instruction Manual
230 Status Outputs
The procedure below can be used to test the Status outputs.
1. Connect a cable jumper between the “-“ pin and the “” pin on the status
output connector.
2. Connect a 1000 Ω resistor between the +5 V and the pin for the status
output that is being tested.
Table 9-8. Status Outputs Check Pin Out
(left to right)
1 System Ok
2 Conc Valid
3 High Range
4 Zero Cal
5 Span Cal
6 Diag Mode
7 Spare
8 Spare
3. Connect a voltmeter between the “-“ pin and the pin of the output being
tested (Table 11-8).
4. Under the DIAG > SIGNAL I/O menu (Section 4.6.1), scroll through the
puts and outputs until you get to the output in question. Alternately turn
on and off the output noting the voltage on the voltmeter, it should vary
between 0 volts for ON and 5 volts for OFF. Control Inputs
The control input bits can be tested by the following procedure:
1. Connect a jumper from the +5 V pin on the STATUS connector to the +5 V
on the CONTROL IN connector.
2. Connect a second jumper from the ‘-‘ pin on the STATUS connector to the
A pin on the CONTROL IN connector. The instrument should switch from
SAMPLE mode to ZERO CAL R mode.
3. Connect a second jumper from the ‘-‘ pin on the STATUS connector to the
B pin on the CONTROL IN connector. The instrument should switch from
SAMPLE mode to SPAN CAL R mode.
In each case, the T101 should return to SAMPLE mode when the jumper is removed.
9.5.10. CPU
There are two major types of CPU board failures, a complete failure and a failure
associated with the Disk-On-Module (DOM). If either of these failures occur, contact
the factory.
For complete failures, assuming that the power supplies are operating properly and the
wiring is intact, the CPU is faulty if on power-on, the watchdog LED on the
motherboard is not flashing.