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General Information
The Hastings Mass Flowmeter, HFM-60 is designed to accurately measure mass flow up to 70
slpm with an accuracy of better than 3%. Hastings mass flow instruments do not require any
periodic maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases. No damage will occur
from the use of moderate overpressures (~150 psi) or overflows. Calibrations for other gases, such
as oxygen, helium and argon, are available upon special order. Instruments are normally calibrated
with the appropriate standard calibration gas (nitrogen) then a correction factor is used to adjust the
output for the intended gas.
1.1 Features
• The HFM-60 is intrinsically linear. Should recalibration (a calibration standard is
required) in the field be desired, the customer needs to simply set the zero and
span points.
• The HFM-60 incorporates a removable/replaceable main PC board/sensor module
which virtually eliminates long down time due to clogging. Clogging is the most
common cause of failure in the industry. The HFM-60 sensor is less likely to be
clogged due to the large internal diameter (0.020”).
• Each flowmeter has a shunt which can be quickly and easily exchanged in the field
to different ranges. Calibration, however, is required.
• The filters located upstream of the shunt and sensor eliminate most of the larger
particulates and impurities which tend to clog the sensor tube.
• The HFM-60 is available in ranges from 0-10 sccm to 0-60 slpm (air equivalent
flow). Special ranges are available upon request.
• The HFM-60 is constructed of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. Buna-N is standard for the
O-rings and seals. Other elastomers are available upon request, e.g., Kalrez, Viton.
• The temperature coefficient of the HFM-60 is less than 0.1%/°C from 0-50°C.
• The 4-20 mA option gives the user the advantages of a current loop output to
minimize environmental noise pickup.
• The optional 0-90° tiltable digital display allows convenient real time indication of the
flow rate.
• The low pressure drop across this instrument is ideal for leak detection applications.