
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments vii
3.3 Electrical Connections 23
3.3.1 Power Connection 23
3.3.2 Analog Outputs 24
3.3.3 Alarm Connections 25
3.3.4 RS-232 Serial Connection 25
3.4 Gas/liquid Connections 25
3.4.1 Liquid Connections 25
3.4.2 Gas Connections 26
3.5 Checking the System 27
Setup and Operation...................................................................29
4.1 Analyzer Startup 29
4.2 Menus 31
4.2.1 Run Mode 31
4.2.2 Parameter Menu 32
4.2.3 Alarm Settings 33
4.2.4 Stream Sequencer 34
4.2.5 D/DBPR 35
4.3 Detailed Calibration Procedures 36
4.4 Operation 40
4.5 Shutdown 41
4.6 Historical Data 41
Maintenance ................................................................................43
5.1 Compupter-aided Testing 43
5.2 Troubleshooting 44
5.3 Module Service 45
5.3.1 NDIR (Gas Calibration) 45
5.3.2 NDIR Service 47
5.3.3 Master Interface Board (P/N ST13042-1). 53
5.3.4 D. C. Power Supply 54
5.3.5 CE Computer (P/N 13039) 55
5.3.6 UV Lamp (P/N ST20009) 56
5.3.7 UV Reactor Assembly (P/N ST20003-1) 57