6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 5 Extended Programming
5.10 Distribution Distribution describes how the sampler is to deposit samples. A
sample is the volume of liquid deposited in a bottle. A sample
event includes the full sampling cycle and may deposit a sample
into more than one bottle. You can program the sampler for five
distribution methods:
• Sequential
• Bottles per sample
• Samples per bottle
• Multiple Bottle Compositing
5.10.1 Sequential In sequential distribution, the sampler deposits one sample in
each bottle. A sequential sample represents a “snapshot” of the
flow stream at a point in time.
5.10.2 Bottles Per Sample In bottles per sample distribution, the sampler deposits a sample
in each of a set of bottles. A bottle set includes at least two bottles
but may include all bottles. Use bottles per sample when the
volume to be collected is larger than the amount one bottle can
hold or when you need identical samples.
5.10.3 Samples Per Bottle In samples per bottle distribution, the sampler deposits samples
from several sample events in a single bottle before moving to the
next bottle. Use samples per bottle distribution to collect a series
of small composite samples.
5.10.4 Composite For single bottle configurations, samples per bottle distribution
is known as composite sampling. A composite sample represents
an average of the flow stream’s characteristics during the sam-
pling period.
5.10.5 Multiple Bottle
Multiple bottle compositing is a combination of
bottles-per-sample and samples-per-bottle. At each sample event,
the sampler deposits a sample into a set of bottles. It moves to a
new bottle set only after each bottle of the first set contains the
programmed number of samples. Use multiple-bottle compos-
iting to collect identical sets of composite samples or a composite
sample that is larger than the capacity of a single bottle. Mul-
tiple bottle compositing is available only in extended pro-
5.10.6 Time Switching In extended programming, the sampler offers an additional dis-
tribution feature, time switching. This feature determines when
the sampler fills the next bottle or bottle set, and may be used
with time-paced or flow-paced sample programs. Time switching
distribution occurs at regular intervals (as programmed in
screen 3 in the margin). The switch times are relative to the pro-
grammed “FIRST SWITCH TIME” (screen 4).
Switch times occur regardless of the state of the sampler. Be
aware that the sampler may leave empty bottles if it becomes
disabled. Pause and resumes are an exception; the sampler will
not switch bottles during a pause if the current bottle is empty.