
Instrument Maintenance Teledyne API - Model 200EH/EM Operation Manual
The reaction cell should be cleaned whenever troubleshooting suggests. A dirty reaction cell will cause
excessive noise, drifting zero or span values, low response or a combination of all. To clean the reaction cell, it
is necessary to remove it from the sensor housing. refer to Section 11.6.6. for an overview of the entire sensor
assembly. Use the follo
wing guide to clean the reacti
on cell:
1. Turn off the instrument power and vacuum pump. Refer to the Figure 9-5 for the following procedure.
2. Disconnect the black 1/4" exhaust tube and the 1/8”
sample and ozone air tubes from the reaction cell.
Disconnect the heater/thermistor cable.
3. Remove four screws holding the reaction cell to the PMT housing and lift the cell and manifold out as
shown in the inset of Figure 9-5.
000940500 – Ozone Critical Flow Orifice
Figure 9-5: Reaction Cell Assembly
4. The reaction cell will separate into two halves, the stainless steel manifold assembly and the black
plastic reaction cell with window, stainless steel cylinder and O-rings.
5. The reaction cell (both plastic part and stainless steel cylinder) and optical glass filter should be cleaned
with methanol and a clean tissue and dried thereafter.
6. Usually it is not necessary to clean the ozone flow orifice since it is protected by a sintered filter. If tests
show that cleaning is necessary, refer to Section 9.3.8 on how to clean the critical flow orifice.
04521C (DCN5731)