Teledyne API Model 200AU NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02293, Rev. F
Table 5-14: RS-232 Command Summary
Terminal Mode Editing Keys Definition
BS Backspace
ESC Erase line
CR Execute command
^C Switch to computer mode
Computer Mode Editing Keys Definition
LF Execute command
^T Switch to terminal mode
Security Features Definition
LOGON [id] password Establish connection to analyzer
LOGOFF [id] Disconnect from analyzer
General Output Message Format
Reporting of status messages for use as an audit trail is one of the two principal uses for the RS-
232 interface. You can effectively disable the asynchronous reporting feature by setting the
interface to quiet mode. All messages output from the analyzer (including those output in
response to a command line request) have the format:
X is a character indicating the message type, as shown in the table below.
DDD:HH:MM is a time-stamp indicating the day-of-year (DDD) as a number from 1 to 366, the
hour of the day (HH) as a number from 00 to 23, and the minute (MM) as a number from 00 to
IIII is the 4-digit machine ID number.
MESSAGE contains warning messages, test measurements, DAS reports, variable values, etc.
The uniform nature of the output messages makes it easy for a host computer to parse them.