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Page 4-4
2. Remove cable entrance dock at bottom of cabinet by removing six sets of nuts and washers shown in the following illustrations.
The cable entrance dock contains eight slots with slide-out cover plates. Each slots can accommodate two cable clamps for ei-
ther feeder or distribution cable.
3. Slide out cover plate over feeder stub up.
4. Fish feeder cable into cabinet and then remove at least 15 ft (~5 m) of sheathing from the cabinet end.
15 ft allows the feeder fiber to reach the furthest splice cassette. Break out more buffer/subunit if you intend to splice anywhere
but at ground level at the open rear door. Add multiples of 8½ ft (~2.5 m) when adding to this length if the splicing is done, for
example, in a vehicle. The multiple represents the perimeter around the splice box for storing the excess length of tubing.
Cable Entrance Dock
Cover Plates
Chock Bar
Distribution Tie-Down Wall
Tie-Down Wall for
Incoming Feeder &
Distribution Fiber in
Loose Tubing