
Performance Check and Calibration Procedures
TPG20 Service
22. Memory Tests
a. If not already done, load the following patterns into the 9 TPG20
memory locations.
Make sure genlock is off.
1. 625/50 Composite EBU Bars
2. 625/50 Composite 100% Bars
3. 625/50 Composite Multiburst 5.8
4. 625/50 Composite Line Sweep 6.5
5. 625/50 RGB EBU Bars
6. 625/50 RGB Line Sweep 6.5
7. 525/60 Composite SMPTE Bars
8. 525/60 Composite Line Sweep 6.5
9. 625/50 Composite S&W Test #2 Style: Circular
Speed 5
Mode: Field
b. Turn TPG20 off for at least one minute.
c. Switch TPG20 power back on. The last active pattern before power
down should be reloaded automatically.
d. Connect TPG20 analog out B to video monitor.
e. Check – the nine memories stored in step a by recalling them and
viewing the signal on the monitor (set to the correct format).
23. RS232 Remote Port Tests
Connect PC serial port (e.g. COM1) to remote RS-232 port of unit (using 9-
pin, straight-through, serial cable). Run terminal emulation software on the
PC (e.g. Windows Terminal, Xtalk, Kermit, etc). Configure the PC port to
9600 baud, no parity, 8 bits data, 1 stop bit. Load and save different patterns
in memories 1 to 9 on the TPG20. From the PC terminal, send the following
<ESC> n <CR>