3. Connect the adapter plug to the power output cord (but not the device), according to the device
• If the device polarity is center positive, match the
positive symbol (+) on the selected adapter plug to
the positive symbol (+) on the power output cord
and connect.
• If the device polarity is center negative, match
the positive symbol (+) on the selected adapter
plug to negative symbol (-) on the output cable
and connect.
(If the polarity is not shown, you can assume that it
is center positive, as with most devices in North America.)
If you change the adapter plug while the power adapter cord is connected to myPower ALL, the voltage
setting will reset to 3V, the default voltage setting.
Connect the Power Output Cord
1. Plug the large end of the power output cord into the DC OUT jack on the end of myPower ALL. The
3V voltage indicator will turn on to indicate that the voltage is set to the lowest setting.
(If you have previously selected a voltage, the voltage selection will be returned to the lowest setting, 3V.)
Adjust the Voltage Level
1. Locate the voltage specification for your portable device. This can be found
on the device power adapter label or device specification label which typically
is found on the bottom of the unit.
(If available, use the voltage specification shown on the power adapter.)
Connecting the Plug for a
Center Positive Device
Sample Power Adapter Label
Connecting the Plug for a
Center Negative Device