Model 428 Operating Procedures
Step 7
Insert the torque rotor end with the guide bearing into
the pilot hole i n the center of the drive shaft. The hole
in the torque rotor shaft should be rotated to the 12
o’clock position.
Figure 14
Freezer Door Assembly - Stand a rd Doo r
(No Prime Plug)
Note: The Model 428 comes equipped with two
door options: a standard door without a prime
plug or a self- closing door with a prime plug.
Follow the appropriate assembly procedures for your
style door. (For self- closing/prime plug door assembly
instructions, go to page 18 and perform Steps A - L.)
Step 8
Install the o-rings on the d raw valve and lubricate.
Figure 15
Step 9
Insert the draw valve into the door , leaving
approximately 1/2” of the valve sticking out the top of
the door.
Figure 16
Step 10
Rotate the draw valve so the flats on the top of thedraw
valve a re perpendicular to the door face.
Figure 17
Step 11
Insert the ice buster through the door spout and into
the slot located just above the lower o-ring.
Figure 18