D 13373.08
Table of
Conference Template
Conference Template Configuration
The Conference Templates are found in the MCU Configuration tab.
The predefined settings will be used as default settings when creating
new conferences based on this specific template. TANDBERG MPS
enables the setup of 10 different conference templates.
The conference template contains the same settings as de-
scribed in the Create Conference in the Overview section.
Conference Template Configuration
Network Settings
Bandwidth Management
Manual: Disables automatic regulations of sites to Low rate encoder,
based on video rate reports.
Auto: Enables automatic regulations of sites to Low rate encoder,
based on video rate reports
Network Error Handling
None: Set to None to not enable error handling.
IPLR: Set to IPLR (Intelligent Packet Loss Recovery) if one or more
sites are experiencing network errors.
FURBlock: Set to FURBlock (Fast Update Request Block) if one or
more sites are experiencing network errors.
The Network Error Handling may be set to IPLR (Intelligent Packet
Loss Recovery) or FURBlock (Fast Update Request Block) if one or
more sites are experiencing network errors.
IPLR Robust Mode
Auto: When set to Auto, the IPLR Robust Mode is turned on for each
encoder when needed.
On: When set to On, the IPLR Robust Mode is on for all encoders.
Please refer to Intelligent Packet Loss Recovery (IPLRTF) in the Techni-
cal Description section.
FUR Block Sites
Auto: When set to Auto, the FUR’s from
sites that send too many will be blocked.
On: When set to On, the FUR’s from all
sites will be blocked.
If a conference participant is experiencing poor network quality it will send Fast Update Requests (FUR) to the
encoder in the MCU to make it refresh the picture. This can be observed as a short flash in the picture.
Poor network conditions for one participant may have a deteriorating effect on the video quality for some of
the participants in the conference.
In an effort to reduce this effect the Network Error Handling can be used.
FUR Filter Interval
Denotes the number of seconds between
FUR’s, e.g. the minimum time between
FUR’s that will refresh the picture.
Press Save to activate the new settings