TANDBERG Gatekeeper/Border Controller API User Guide
D14172.01 page 27 of 84
NOTE! Only typing ? actually addresses all configuration elements within the root command. One
would therefore expect that help on all configurations would be returned. But as described above, this
is a special case and only listings of the top level elements are returned. To get help on all
configurations supported by the system, type:
// ?
2.3.2 Configuration read
To read configurations, type the configuration-type root command followed by an address expression:
<configuration-type root command> <address expr>
Example 2.8
User wants to read IP configurations:
*c IPProtocol: IPv4
*c IP Address: ""
*c IP SubnetMask: ""
*c IP Gateway: ""
*c IP V6 Address: ""
*c IP V6 Gateway: ""
*c IP DNS Server 1 Address: ""
*c IP DNS Server 2 Address: ""
*c IP DNS Server 3 Address: ""
*c IP DNS Server 4 Address: ""
*c IP DNS Server 5 Address: ""
*c IP DNS Domain Name: "example.com"
2.3.3 Configuration set (write)
To set configurations, the address expression following the configuration-type root command must end
with a colon. The value to be set must be added after the colon:
<configuration-type root command> <address expr>: value