TANDBERG Border Controller User Manual
5 Registration Control
The TANDBERG Border Controller can control which endpoints are allowed to register with it. Two
separate mechanisms are provided: a simple Registration Restriction Policy and an authentication
process based on user names and passwords. It is possible to use both mechanisms at once:
authentication to verify an endpoint’s identity from a corporate directory and registration restriction
to control which of t hose authenticated endpoints may register with a particular Border Controller.
5.1 Registration Restriction Policy
When an endpoint registers with your Border Controller it presents a list of aliases. By default,
registration restriction policy is set to None. In this state, any endpoint may register. The
registration restriction policy can be configured using the following command:
xConfiguration Gatekeeper Registration RestrictionPolicy [None|AllowList|DenyList
or by using the web interface, on the Border Controller Configuration → Restrictions page (see
Figure 12 for a screenshot of the Registration Restrictions Configuration). If the policy is set
to AllowList, only those endpoints with an alias which matches an entr y in the AllowList may
register. Conversely, if the policy is set to DenyList, all endpoints may register, unless they match
an entry on the DenyList. Allow lists and Deny lists are mutually exclusive: only one may be in
use at any given time.
Figure 12: Configuring registration restrictions
Matching uses a simple form of wild card expansion:
12345678 Exact match only
1234567? First 7 characters are an exact match, last may be anything
123* 123 followed by anything
*@example.com Any string ending with @example.com
To set entries in the Allow and Deny lists use the following commands AllowListAdd, AllowListDelete,
DenyListAdd, DenyListDelete
To view the entries in the allow and deny lists, use the following commands:
xConfiguration Gatekeeper Registration AllowList
xConfiguration Gatekeeper Registration DenyList