LED behavior
Table 1 describes the behavior of the LEDs.
Table 1: MCU LED behavior
LED Color Indicates
Compact Flash Activity Flashing
One of:
the MCU is booting
a configuration change has been made
the configuration is being transferred
by FTP
Console Link Green A PC is connected to the console port
Status Green The MCU is operating normally
Alarm Red The MCU is booting or has developed a
fault, for example:
temperature is outside normal limits
fan failure
battery failure of the internal clock
Refer to the web interface for more
information about the problem (go to
Status > Health)
System Load Green The MCU is processing conference data.
The LEDs represent the media processing
load of the MCU. The column numbered
1 represents audio load. The other
columns represent video DSP load. Media
processing load is also displayed in the web
interface: go to
Status > General