endpoint. You can, however, choose either to have
all recordings transcoded to streaming media by
Store streaming media (below) or to
transcode individual recordings to streaming media
(refer to
Viewing and updating recording details).
Any SD recordings made while
HD video capture
is on, can be played back on a video
Streaming media
Allow live
Enables live streaming on the IP VCR.
Live streaming is the streaming of video that is
currently being recorded.
Note that live streaming is disabled if you have
allowed the recording of HD video (see above).
When live streaming is enabled, the IP VCR
simultaneously records and transcodes to streaming
media. However, the IP VCR will not store the
transcoded media for streaming after the recording
is complete; select
Store streaming media if you
require the streaming media to be stored.
This option controls the transcoding of new
recordings to streaming media. It configures the IP
VCR to transcode and store every new recording for
With this option selected, new recordings are
transcoded to streaming format.
Recordings that start when
HD video capture mode
is selected are transcoded when the recording is
complete. Streaming can take place when the
transcoding is complete. Live streaming cannot be
used with these recordings.
Recordings made when
HD video capture mode is
not selected are simultaneously transcoded.
Streaming can take place as soon as the recording is
complete. Live streaming can be used with these
recordings if you select
Allow live streaming.
Streaming media takes up extra space on the IP
VCR. You might disable the creation of streaming
formatted recordings if space has become short on
the IP VCR. Note that where space has become
short you might want to consider
recordings externally.
Note that for every recording, on the recording's
details page, there is a button that allows you to
transcode the recording for streaming. There is also
a button that deletes the streaming media for that
video bit rate
When making recordings, as well as storing the
incoming media packets as they are received, the IP
VCR also re-encodes the media (using two different
Check the
Multicast option next to one or both of
the streaming recording settings to enable multicast
streaming of "live" recordings (i.e. those in the