
Chapter 3: Printer Menus and the Control Panel 3–31
Table 3 - 1 Paper Weight & Hammer Impact Indicator
Indicator Paper Weight and Hammer Impact
hammer impact setting is “Normal”
paper weight setting is “Light”
The Display When In A Menu
When a menu is selected, the top line of the display shows which menu, cat-
egory, or parameter one is in.
The second line of the menu will display the next lowest level of the menu
hierarchy. If the top line displays a menu, the second line will display a cat-
egory; and if the top line displays a category, the second line will display a
parameter; if the top line displays a parameter, the second line will display a
selection for that parameter. An asterisk is displayed in the far right column of
the second line when a parameter is selected.
Menu, Category, or Parameter
Category, Parameter, or Selection
Figure 3 - 2. Control Panel Display for Menus
Control Panel Display
No light is on
hammer impact setting is “Normal”
paper weight setting is “Heavy”
hammer impact setting is “High”
paper weight setting is “Light”
hammer impact setting is “High”
paper weight setting is “Heavy”