LS 3070 Product Reference Guide: Programming
Parameter Descriptions
Set Parameter Defaults
Scanning the SET DEFAULT bar code returns all parameters to the values
listed in the Default Table beginning on page 6-28.
Host Interface Code
Each Interface Cable Assembly defaults to a given host. These assemblies, their
corresponding defaults, and additional bar codes begin in Chapter 7: Parameter
Menus. In some cases, two bar codes may correspond to one interface type; this happens
when different software revisions exist for the same host type. If there are two bar codes
for your host type, try the first bar code; if that does not work, then try the second one.
Code Types
The bar code menu selections enable the scanner to decode any or all of the
following symbologies.
• UPC Versions A and E (EAN 8 and 13) • Codabar
• Code 39 • Code 39 Full ASCII
• Discrete 2 of 5 • Interleaved 2 of 5
• Code 128 • MSI Plessey
• EAN 128
The scanner will autodiscriminate between all of the above symbologies,
except for Code 39 and Code 39 Full ASCII.
Code Lengths
Code lengths for certain code type (i.e., Code 39, Codabar, etc.) may be set for
any length, one or two discrete lengths, or lengths within a specific range. The
length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable
characters) the code contains.
Length Within Range - This option allows you to decode a code type within a
specified range. For example to decode Code 39 characters containing between
4 and 12 characters, first scan Code 39 Length Within Range. Then scan 0, 4, 1
and 2 (single digit numbers must always be preceded by a leading zero).