
Verify switch operation
B. Enter the specific port (interface) number to enable. The s variable represents the specified
slot. The p variable represents an individual port within the group of ports for the specified slot.
interface <s/p>
s and p have the following values:
Note: See the ATCA-5010 Shelf Peripheral Module Reference for details on which RTM ports
are available for each SCM board configuration.
C. Enable the port. Enter no shutdown.
If you are disabling the interface, enter shutdown.
D. To enable another port, enter the exit command and perform the procedures described in
Steps B and C.
If finished enabling ports, enter the exit command at each prompt until you reach the
ATCA-2210# prompt.
Note: If you are asked to save changes, enter y for yes or n for no. If you choose y for yes, this
configuration is saved as the startup configuration.
Base Ethernet switch interfaces
ATCA-6000 backplane slots s=0 p=1-6, 9-14
ATCA-6006 backplane slots s=0 p=3-6
ATCA-6014 backplane slots s=0 p=1-6, 9-14
ATCA-6016 backplane slots s=0 p=1-7, 10-16
Front panel optical s=1 p=5-9
Internal ports s=2 p=1, 3-4
RTM s=3 p=5-8 or p=5-6 (depends on SCM configuration)
Base Ethernet switch internal ports
2/1 – The link between SCMs when two SCMs are installed. The port is enabled by factory default.
2/3 – The Base Ethernet link to the COM Express site.
2/4 – The link to standalone Shelf Manager sites on non-RadiSys shelves.
Fabric Ethernet switch interfaces
ATCA-6000 backplane slots s=0 p=1-6, 9-14
ATCA-6006 backplane slots s=0 p=3-6
ATCA-6014 backplane slots s=0 p=1-6, 9-14
ATCA-6016 backplane slots s=0 p=1-7, 10-16
Front panel optical s=1 p=1-4
Internal ports s=2 p=3
RTM s=3 p=1 or p=1-3 (depends on SCM configuration)
Fabric Ethernet switch internal port
2/3 – The Fabric Ethernet link to the COM Express site.