Edit Email Accounts
1. Tap the Email application icon.
2. On the Inbox screen, tap Settings.
3. Set your desired preferences to customize your email account.
4. Tap to return to the Inbox screen.
Delete Email Accounts
If you have multiple accounts, delete the account designated as the default
account, the next email listed will be automatically set as the default.
1. Tap the Email application icon.
2. On the Inbox screen, tap Settings.
3. Click the account you want to delete.
4. In the pop-up Account options window, tap Delete
5. Tap OK to confirm the deletion.
Set Default Email Account
You must always have one account designated as the default account, so if you
have multiple email accounts, you can select any one as the default.
1. Tap the Email application icon.
2. On the Inbox screen, tap Settings.
3. Tap the desired account.
4. In the right settings list, tap Default Account to select it.
If you delete the account that was designated as the default account, the next
email listed will be automatically designated as the default.