Product introduction and specification
Sungale CD706A is a portable eReader and digital album. With its colorful LCD
screen, you can review pictures, enjoy music, watch video, read eBooks and
display calendar and clock as well as set up alarm clock. Besides, it has built-in
dictionary for unknown words inquiry. It supports files of many formats. Please
find its specification as follow:
◆Display type: TFT LCD 7 inch (16:9)
◆Resolution: 800RGBx480pixels
◆Photo file formats: JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF
◆Music file formats: WMA, WAV, OGG, AAC
◆Video file formats: AVI, DIVX, XVID, DAT, WMV, 3GP, FLV
◆eBook file formats: TXT, EPUB, HTML, FB2, Palmdoc, zTxt, TCR, RTF,
OEB,OpenReader, Non-Drm'ed mobipocket
◆USB connection: USB device 2.0
◆Cards: SD/MMC
◆Power supply: AC 100----240V DC 5V 2A
◆Battery duration: Read eBooks for around 3 hours, play picture for 3-4 hours,
play music or video for 1.5-2 hours.
◆Compatible PC system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Macintosh computer (MAC)
Product introduction and specification