
Chapter 5 Managing Switches 113
Warning Temperature Non-configurable temperature threshold (65° Celsius)
above which a warning condition alarm is generated.
Failure Temperature Non-configurable temperature threshold (70° Celsius)
above which a failure condition alarm is generated.
POST Status Status from the most recent Power On Self Test
(Passed, Failed, Compromised (implies one or two bad
POST Fault Code Fault code from the most recent Power On Self Test.
An 8 digit hex code that Sun Microsystems personnel
can use to identify the type of failure.
Test Status The current diagnostic test status of switch.
Test Fault Code The code value for the last recorded diagnostic test
status recorded on the switch.
Network Group
IPv4 Enabled Internet Protocol version 4 Enabled status
IPv4 Address Mask that determines the IP address subnet
IPv4 Subnet Mask Mask that determines the IP address subnet
IPv6 Gateway Gateway address
IPv6 Enabled Internet Protocol version 6 Enabled status
IPv6 Address Mask that determines the IP address subnet
IPv6 Gateway Gateway address
CPU0 MAC Address NA-does not apply to this switch
CPU1 MAC Address NA-does not apply to this switch
SNMP Enabled SNMP enabled or disabled
SNMP v3 Security Enabled SNMP v3 Security enabled or disabled
Broadcast Support Broadcast support status. Broadcast support is enabled
(default) or disabled.
NTP Client Enabled Enabled or disabled. Allows for switches to
synchronize their time to a centralized server.
NTP Server Address The IP address of the centralized NTP server. Ethernet
connection to NTP server is required.
DNS Enabled DNS Enabled status
TABLE 5-2 Switch Data Window Entries (Continued)
Entry Description