Service Manual: E-TR and E-TRi
Running Belt Tensioning Procedure
Applies to models: 4500, 4000, 3900, 4200, 5500, 5600, 6500, 6600, 7500, 7600 and 7700
Proper running belt tension and tracking are important to maintain the performance and life of the
belt. Star Trac recommends following this tensioning and tracking procedure whenever the running
belt or deck are replaced or as needed.
Time Required
x 10 minutes
Parts Required
x Masking tape
x Ruler or tape measurer
x Pen or pencil
Tools Required
x 1/4” Allen wrench
Frequency Recommended Preventative Maintenance
After 1,000 Miles (1,600 Km) OR 1 Month
Whichever comes first.
Clean Deck with dry cloth and Retighten Belt
using procedure below.
After: 6,000 Miles (10,000 Km) OR 6 Months
12,000 Miles (20,000 Km) OR 12 Months
18,000 Miles (30,000 Km) OR 18 Months
24,000 Miles (40,000 Km) OR 24 Months
30,000 Miles (50,000 Km) OR 30 Months
Whichever comes first.
Clean Deck with dry cloth. Clean between belt
and deck with towel while treadmill is running.
If rollers have dirt build-up, scrape off with
credit card, plastic putty knife or similar non-
scratching instrument (Do not use metal against
rollers). Retighten Belt using procedure below.
Fig 1
Step 1
Release tension of running belt by unscrewing
the tension screws until the roller touches the
finger-guard. The belt should be completely
relaxed. (Note: This applies to both left & right