Following these steps in order will minimize the build time and ensure proper assembly.
1. Install the Back Leg
Have one person lift up the rear of the bike frame and hold -or- lift up
the bike frame and wedge a block (i.e wood…something that will not
damage paint and frame)
While rear of the bike frame is suspended in the air, assemble rear leg
assembly with:
• (2) M10x1.5, 55mm Flat Head Screw
• (2) 10mm Washer, Flat
• 5mm Hex Wrench
• Multi-Wrench
Tighten all screws and securely using a torque wrench to 85 Inch Pounds
Step 1A Step1B
2. Install the Handlebar
Insert pop -pin into frame handlebar post. Tightly secure pop-pin into
place using multi-wrench.
Slide the handlebar post into the frame making sure
the holes face the front of the bike.
Allow the post to go into the frame all the way in to
level 1 and align the pop pin so it snaps into the hole
then tighten the pop pin and test for steadiness.
Loosen the pop pin and raise the handlebar to its highest
position and tighten the pop pin and test for steadiness.
Step 2A Step 2B
3. Install the Front Leg
Have one person lift up the rear of the bike frame and hold -or- lift up
the bike frame and wedge a block (i.e wood…something that will not
damage paint and frame)
While rear of the bike frame is suspended in the air, assemble front leg
(with wheels facing away from the frame) with:
• (2) M10x1.5, 55mm Flat Head Screw
• (2) 10mm Washer, Flat
• 5mm Hex Wrench
• Multi-Wrench
Tighten all screws/nuts securely using a torque wrench to 85 lbs-in.
Move the bike to a flat surface and adjust the four leveling feet so the
bike is stable.
Step 3A Step 3B