30SS, 36SS, 45SS
Rev: 12/21/2011
Adjusting Discharge Deflector
The discharge chute is preset at the factory, but may
require adjustment over time or during maintenance.
For adjustments, follow the procedure below:
1. Loosen the two nuts at the chute cable mount on the
discharge chute.
2. To make the chute open more, adjust nuts so the
cable end moves closer to the discharge deflector
3. To make the chute close more, adjust nuts so the
cable end moves further from the discharge
deflector (downward).
Service Adjustments
Changing Friction Wheel
If the friction wheel needs to be replaced for any reason:
1. Remove the six bolts to remove the cover
underneath the control panel between the wheels.
2. Remove the bolt and nut in the hexagonal shaft
carrying the friction wheel
3. With the bolt and locking nut removed, the shaft can
be removed with the rubber friction wheel assembly.
4. Replace the friction wheel and reassemble in
reverse order.
5. Resetting the neutral position may be necessary.
Replacement friction wheel rubber is available for
purchase through GXi Parts & Service
Part# B05311
Replacing Headlight Bulb
1. Push the headlight case up from the
, then gently lift the headlight out.
2. Twist the black round wire harness counter-
clockwise until the bulb is unlocked at the spot.
3. Replace the bulb and lock the headlight back into
place the same way it was taken out.
Replacement bulbs are available for purchase through
GXI Parts & Service.
Part# B03211