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intervals at intensity of 68 steps/min. The CPAT Stair Climb Test
has a total of ten intervals and lasts for three minutes, twenty
seconds (including warm-up).
Turning on the CPAT Stair Climb Test
1. Press [∧], [9], [1], [ENTER], on the console keypad. Make sure to
press in the middle of each key and be aware that the corre-
sponding numbers will not show in the console display.
2. The console will prompt you to “BEGIN FIT TEST.” The test
can be stopped at any time by pressing [STOP].
• NYCFD Stair Climb Test – (Fit Test #3) The first phase is a warm-
up interval at intensity of 56 steps/min and lasts sixty-seconds,
followed by a sixty-second rest period (no stepping). At the end
of the rest period the time counter will reset to zero. The second
phase is at intensity of 68 steps/min and lasts for five minutes,
twelve seconds.
Turning on the NYCFD Stair Climb Test
1. Press [∧], [9], [2], [ENTER], on the console keypad. Make sure to
press in the middle of each key and be aware that the corre-
sponding numbers will not show in the console display.
2. The console will prompt you to “BEGIN FIT TEST.” The test
can be stopped at any time by pressing [STOP].