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Assemble your machine before use. Machines shipped outside the United
States need to be uncrated before they can be assembled; refer to the
“Uncrating Instructions” included with your machine for the details.
1. Remove all shipping material from your machine once it is in place.
2. Make sure the machine is level before you use it for the first time. The
four rubber end caps (see Figure 3) are designed to compensate for
uneven floors. Each face of the caps is a different thickness. Twist the
caps to stabilize the machine.
Figure 3: Level Adjusting End Caps
3. Open the box you removed from the pedals. The box contains either
an external power supply (4600/4400/4200 PT only) or a wall-pack
battery charger (4600/4400 CL only).
The battery charger is only
used torecharge a low battery.