Settings 81
Trusted Credentials
To use secure credentials:
1. Press > and tap Settings > Security.
2. Tap Trusted credentials to display the list of your phone’s trusted CA certificates. A
green checkmark indicates the certificate is enabled.
Install from Device Storage
Use this setting to install encrypted certificates from your USB storage.
1. Press > and tap Settings > Security.
2. Tap Install from device storage and then tap a certificate file and follow the onscreen
Clear Credentials
Use this setting to clear the credential storage of all contents and reset the password.
1. Press > and tap Settings > Security.
2. Tap Clear credentials.
Language and Input Settings
Your phone’s Language settings let you select a language for the phone’s screens and menus,
as well as manage a personal user dictionary. The Keyboard settings let you select a preferred
input method, control keyboard settings, and more.
Default Input Method
Google Voice Typing
Samsung Keyboard
T9 Trace
Voice cmd for Apps
Voice Recognizer
Voice Search
Text-to-Speech Output