Section 2F: Managing History 109
History Details
To display History details:
From a History thread display, select an entry for which
you wish to view the details and press .
History Details for Personal Phone or Direct
The History details screen shows the call type, phone number,
and date and time of the call. An onscreen menu is also
displayed according to the type of call. See “History Menu
onpage 110.
To make a call from History details screen, press or .
History Details for Direct Connect Group Calls
The History details screen shows the group type, first caller
name, date and time of the call, and member list.
Highlight a group name, a member, or a phone number and
Options(right softkey) to display the options menu. See
“History Menu Options”on the next page for menu details.
To make a group call, highlight the group name and press
. To make a call to a member, highlight the member and
press .
If you select a Team DC group, press Members(left softkey) to
show the member list.