142 13. Multimedia
Filtering by Media Type
ᮣ Press / > Multimedia > Media Center > / > Filter
and select a filtering option: Phone: All, Phone:
Pictures, Phone: Audio, Phone: Video, Card: All, Card:
Pictures, Card: Audio, or Card: Video
Keeping the Last Filter Setting
You can set the Media Center to show all items every
time you access it or to keep the filtering setting you
had when you last viewed it.
ᮣ Press / > Multimedia > Media Center > / > Setup >
Remember Filter > On.
When you receive your phone, the Media Center is set
to show all items every time you access it.
Accessing Items
1. Press / > Multimedia > Media Center.
2. Highlight an item and press r to select it.
3. Scroll right or left to access additional items.
Sorting by Time or Name
1. Press / > Multimedia > Media Center > / > Setup >
2. Select By Time to sort by the time items were
created or
By Name to sort alphabetically.
When you receive your phone, the Media Center is set
to sort items by time.
Forward Locked Items
Some items saved to the Media Center may be forward
locked. Forward locked items are usually copyright
protected, and they cannot be sent or shared.
You cannot remove forward locking from an item.
When you view items in the Media Center, one of these
icons appears next to each forward locked item:
Forward locked.
Forward lock and locked.