
Troubleshooting 199
KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 Installation and Configuration Guide
12.3 Using the GWLOAD Program
This section describes how to reach the KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 through the GWLOAD
program. It is necessary to use the GWLOAD program if the system GW Upload is chrashed and/
or if KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 is restarted in TFTP mode (refer to
“Resetting the KIRK
Wireless Server 600v3 Hardware” on page 44 for more information). The GWLOAD program is
to be downloaded from www.kirktelecom.com.
1 Once you download the GWLOAD program, install it by clicking on the setup.exe and by
following the resulting Install Wizard prompts.
2 Double-click the GWLOAD icon or locate the program under the Start menu to open the
GWLOAD application on your desktop.
The following dialog box appears:
Figure 138 KIRK GWLOAD program
3 In the File Setup area, click IP firmware.
4 In the KIRK WS area, click KWA600v3.
5 Click Get File.
An Open IP firmware file dialog box appears.
Figure 139 KIRK GWLOAD: Open IP firmware file dialog box