
When installing the jaws on a scroll chuck, it
is important to make sure they are installed
correctly. Incorrect installation will result in
jaws that do not converge evenly and are unable
to securely clamp a workpiece.
To install chuck jaws:
1. Rotate the chuck key clockwise until you
see the tip of the scroll-gear lead thread just
begin to enter jaw guide #1.
Figure 12. Installing jaw #1.
Lead Thread
May Vary)
2. Insert jaw #1 into jaw guide #1, and hold the
jaw against the scroll-gear.
3. Rotate the chuck key clockwise one turn to
engage the tip of the scroll-gear lead thread
into the jaw. Pull the jaw; it should be locked
into the jaw guide.
4. Install the remaining jaws in numerical
order, in the same manner.
— If installed correctly, the jaws will
converge evenly at the center of the chuck.
— If the jaws do not converge evenly, remove
them. Make sure the numbers of the jaws
and jaw guides match, then re-install the
jaws and make sure each one engages
with the scroll-gear lead thread during its
first rotation.
Chuck Jaw Installation
Mfg. Since 1/11 Model SB1224