Controlling Playout
Chapter 3 Basic Operations
Management” window, then select [Use Built-in Screen
Specifying Substitute Graphics
The VSPA-D7 software enables you to specify substitute
graphics, that is a piece of graphics material to be
displayed instead of missing or erroneous material upon
playout on a player.
• Substitute graphics must be a JPEG file. Bitmap (bmp)
files cannot be specified.
• The substitute graphics specified in this procedure will
be displayed instead of missing video, graphics, or Flash
materials that has been specified in a playlist. There is no
method to provide a substitute for streaming, URL (web
pages), and audio material.
• The “Send Content” window set is required to select a
substitute graphics. To have this window set, place a
check mark in the “Enable [Send Content]” check box in
the “Options Setup” window.
Click the button of the operation guide.
The “Send Content” window set appears. It consists of
the “Content Management” and “VSP-NS7 Status”
Select the player group for which you are going to
specify substitute graphics, using the “Group” drop-
down list box in the “Content Management” window.
The player list of the selected group appears in the
“VSP-NS7 Status” window.
In the “Content Management” window, select the
“Graphics” tab.
Right- click the item to be the substitute graphics, and
select the [Send as Substitute for Missing Material] on
the popup menu.
The selected piece of graphics material is distributed
to each player in the selected group, and specified as
the substitute graphics.
The result of distribution for each player can be
checked in the “VSP-NS7 Status” window.
The selected graphics item appears in blue in the
“Content Management” window. In its “Delete Date”
column, Dec. 31, 9999 is displayed, which means it
will not be deleted automatically.
For detailed information on the error codes displayed
in the “VSP-NS7 Status” window, refer to the Error
Code List. To see the list, select [Help] > [Error Code
List] from the menu bar of the VSPA-D7 main
To cancel assignment of substitute graphics
Specify another piece of graphics material to be used as
substitute graphics, or right-click any point on the
“Graphics” tab in the “Content Management” window,
then select [Cancel Assignment of Substitute Graphics].
Replacing Materials
Besides modifying a playlist, you can change playout
content by replacing the piece of video, graphics, Flash, or
audio material with another file, without modifying a
playlist. This is particularly useful to update regularly
changed content, such as weather maps and routine news
Overwrite the file for the content to be replaced with a
new file, by using Windows Explorer or another
software application.
The content files are stored in the respective material
type folders in the VspaData folder. The VspaData
folder is in the “VSPA-D7 database folder” that was
specified upon installation.
For example, when you are replacing a graphics file
with another one, and the VSPA-D7 database folder is
“C:\Documents and Settings,” overwrite the file to be
replaced that is stored in the “C:\Documents and
Settings\VspaData\Content\Still” with the new file.
Check the VSPA-D7 database folder in the “System
Setup” window.
Distribute the replacement piece of material or a
schedule in which the replacement piece of material is
used to the players.
See “Distributing Content to Players” on page 27 or
“Distributing Schedules to Players” on page 26 for
details on how to send material or a schedule.
Material Folder
Video Content\Video
Graphics Content\Still
Flash file Content\Flash
Audio Content\Audio