DVD video
This product incorporates copyright protection
technology that is protected by method claims
of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual
property rights owned by Macrovision
Corporation and other rights owners. Use of
this copyright protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is
intended for home and other limited viewing
uses only unless otherwise authorized by
Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited.
• If you set this item to “On”, the language may change
because the “Audio Track Auto Select Mode” setting
has higher priority than the “Audio” settings in
“Language Setup” (page 22).
• If you set “DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL)” to “On” and
“DTS” to “Off” in “Audio Setup”, the DTS audio track
is not played even if you set this item to “On” and the
highest-numbered audio channel is recorded in DTS
• If PCM, Dolby Digital, DTS and MPEG audio tracks
have the same number of channels, the console selects
PCM, Dolby Digital, DTS and MPEG audio tracks in
this order.
• Depending on the DVD, the audio channel with
priority may be predetermined. In this case, you cannot
give priority to the Dolby Digital, DTS or MPEG format
by selecting “On”.
x DVD Volume
If the audio output level of the DVD is low, you
can turn up the volume of the DVD. DIGITAL
OUT (OPTICAL) must be set to “Off” to change
this setting.
• +2: Turns up the volume (maximum).
• +1: Turns up the volume.
• Standard: Original audio volume. Normally
select this position.
If you set this option to “+1” or “+2”, the sound may be
distorted in places where loud sound is present. If the
sound becomes distorted, select "Standard".
If you turn up the volume too high, your ears may be
injured or the speakers may be damaged.