Using a “Memory Stick” – introduction
The approximate number of images you can record on a
“Memory Stick”
The approximate number of images you can record on “Memory Stick” that is
formatted using this camcorder varies depending on which image quality mode you
select and the complexity of the subject.
4MB type (supplied):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 20 images 6 images
FINE (FINE) 40 images 12 images
STANDARD (STD) 60 images 18 images
8MB type (not supplied):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 40 images 12 images
FINE (FINE) 81 images 25 images
STANDARD (STD) 122 images 37 images
16MB type (not supplied):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 82 images 25 images
FINE (FINE) 164 images 51 images
STANDARD (STD) 246 images 75 images
32MB type (not supplied):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 164 images 52 images
FINE (FINE) 329 images 104 images
STANDARD (STD) 494 images 152 images
64MB type (not supplied):
Image size 640 × 480 1152 × 864
SUPER FINE (SFN) 329 images 104 images
FINE (FINE) 659 images 208 images
STANDARD (STD) 988 images 304 images
If you format a “Memory Stick”
All the data (including sample images) in the “Memory Stick” are erased.