Opening a previously visited Web site
You can view a list of Web sites that you have previously visited.
1. When viewing a Web page, tap
next to the URL box.
2. Tap [History].
A list of sites that you have previously visited opens.
3. Tap an item to open it in the browser.
Deleting browsing history items
You can remove entries from the browsing history.
1. When viewing a Web page, tap
next to the URL box.
2. Tap [History].
A list of sites that you have previously visited opens.
3. Tap and hold the entry that you wish to remove from the list
tap [Remove from History].
4. Press the
(Back) button to return to the Web page you were browsing.
You can delete all browsing history items by pressing the (Menu) button tapping
[Clear History] in Step 2.
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