Reading Books
Checking the book information
You can check the book information, such as the title,
author, book cover thumbnail, etc., from the “Options” menu.
On the book page, press the (Return) button to
display the “Options” menu, then select “Info.”
• If the book is opened from “All Bookmar
ks,” pressing the
(Return) button will not display the “Options” menu. To display the
“Options” menu, return to the “Home” menu, select “Continue
Reading,” then press the (Return) button. (
page 41
Display item Description
Book cover
Displays the book cover thumbnail. (BBeB file only)
Title Displays the title.
Author Displays the author.
Publisher Displays the publisher. (BBeB file only)
Category Displays the category. (BBeB file only)
eBook ID Displays the Book ID. (BBeB file only)
Kind Displays the file type.
Date Displays the latest update and creation date.
Size Displays the file size.
File Displays the file path location.