
Error messages
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Error messages
An error message is displayed repeatedly
B Perform a soft reset.
The error message “Invalid process” is displayed when
starting an application
B If the memory space of your CLIÉ handheld or “Memory Stick” is
insufficient, applications may not start properly. Delete any unnecessary
data after backing up data as needed.
The error message for insufficient memory is displayed
B If the memory space of your CLIÉ handheld or “Memory Stick” is
insufficient, applications may not start properly. Delete any unnecessary
data after backing up data as needed.
B Delete unused data of the “Date Book” application and the “To Do”
To delete data of the “Date Book” application, select Purge in the
Record menu and set purge to Delete events older than.
To delete data of the “To Do” application, select Purge in the Record
menu and set purge to Delete all To Do items marked completed.
B Delete e-mail messages in “CLIE Mail,” and then empty the Trash.
B Select Delete Cache from Options menu in “NetFront v3.0 for CLIE.”
B If add-on applications are installed on your CLIÉ handheld, delete those
For details, refer to “Enhancing features with add-on applications: Installing:
Deleting the installed add-on applications” in the “Handbook.”
Continued on next page
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