Chapter 1 Overview
film camera. Unlike low-speed or high-speed
playback of normally shot video, this provides a
smooth slow-motion effect, or action speeded up
beyond actual speed.
1) This function is available when the recording format is
MPEG HD422, 50 Mbps, and the resolution/system
frequency is 1080/23.98P, 1080/25P, or 1080/29.97P.
Freeze mix function
This allows a still image from previously
captured video to be aligned with the current
video output from the camera. Thus you can
adjust the camera position to get exactly the same
framing for new shots. For example, this function
makes it easy to frame summer and winter shots
of a landscape scene in exactly the same way.
Digital extender function
This magnifies the center section of the video. It
utilizes electronic processing, which prevents the
decrease in sensitivity (F-drop) that occurs when
the lens extender function is used.
Focus magnification function
This magnifies the center section of the
viewfinder by a factor of about two. It enables
highly precise focus adjustments in HD shooting.
Image inversion function
This cancels the image inversion that can occur
when a cinema lens converter is mounted.
1)This function is available when the resolution/system
frequency is 1080/23.98P, 1080/25P, or 1080/29.97P.
Assignable switches
Frequently used function can be assigned to
switches for quick and convenient operation.
Hyper gamma
This enables a wide dynamic range without using
the Knee function, by smoothly compressing the
high-luminance range.
Supports new digital wireless
microphone system
The new digital wireless microphone system
offers high-quality, superior resistance to noise,
and simultaneous multi-channel operation.
Installation of the DWR-S01D Digital Wireless
enables simultaneous reception of two
1)These products are not available in countries where
they are prohibited by radio frequency regulations.
3.5-inch color LCD monitor
The 3.5-inch color LCD monitor displays easy-
to-read audio meters, menus, disc and battery
capacity indications, and thumbnails of clips
stored on disc.
Inherits unique features of XDCAM series
The unit inherits the workflow features of the
XDCAM series, including thumbnail display and
metadata management, and improves them by
introducing an improved man-machine interface.
Metadata includes new user-settable clip flags
(OK/NG/KEEP) in addition to the existing Rec
Start essence marks. The new metadata types
enable more efficient workflows when clips
recorded on this unit are edited on nonlinear
editing systems.