
The Web page is not loaded.
c When entering its URL
Check that the address is correct. (For example, did you enter 0 or O, - or _)
c When accessing through the bookmark or page memo
The address may have been changed or the link structure of the Web site may have
been modified. When the link structure is modified, follow the address to its source.
(For example, when you cannot access http://www.sony.co.jp/xxxx/, then try to
access http://www.sony.co.jp/)
The Web page cannot make a transition.
c The item Cookie may not be checked. Check the item Cookie on the Network
Options screen.
The cookie is not saved.
c Exit the NETWORK mode, the cookie will be deleted.
The message DNS Error The Requested URL Could Not Found is indicated and the Web
page is not displayed.
c The setup of the item DNS may be wrong. Check the setup of the PPP screen.
c The setup of the item Proxy may be wrong. Check the setup of the Browser screen.