Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description
146 VREFL I Reference voltage terminal connected to the capacitor (for the built-in D/A converter L-CH)
147 AOUTL O Built-in D/A converter L-CH signal output
148 AOUTR O Built-in D/A converter R-CH signal output
149 VREFR I Reference voltage terminal connected to the capacitor (for the built-in D/A converter R-CH)
150 DCLSOUTR O PWM modulator signal output for the class-D headphone amplifier Not used
151 DCLSOUTL O PWM modulator signal output for the class-D headphone amplifier Not used
152 RTCK — Not used
153 ADFG I ADIP duplex FM signal (22.05±1kHz) input from the RF amplifier
154 TRDR O Tracking servo drive PWM signal output (–) to the coil driver
155 TFDR O Tracking servo drive PWM signal output (+) to the coil driver
156 FFDR O Focus servo drive PWM signal output (+) to the coil driver
157 FRDR O Focus servo drive PWM signal output (–) to the coil driver
158 FS4 O 176.4 kHz clock signal output
159 SFDR O Sled servo drive PWM signal output to the motor driver
160 SPRD O Spindle motor drive control signal output (U) to the motor driver
161 SPFD O Spindle servo drive PWM signal output to the motor driver
162 SPDV O Spindle motor drive control signal output (V) to the motor driver
163 SPDW O Spindle motor drive control signal output (W) to the motor driver
164 SPCU I Spindle motor drive comparison signal input (U) from the motor driver
165 SPCV I Spindle motor drive comparison signal input (V) from the motor driver
166 SPCW I Spindle motor drive comparison signal input (W) from the motor driver
167 SLDV O Sled motor drive control signal output (V) to the motor driver
168 SLDW O Sled motor drive control signal output (W) to the motor driver
169 SLCU I Sled motor drive comparison signal input (U) from the motor driver
170 SLCV I Sled motor drive comparison signal input (V) from the motor driver
171 SLCW I Sled motor drive comparison signal input (W) from the motor driver
172 SRDR O Sled motor drive control signal output (U) to the motor driver
173 DIN I Digital audio signal input terminal
174 FS256_OUT O 11.2896 MHz clock output
175 CHOPPERCLK O Clock signal output for chopper
176 to 179
MNT0 to MNT3 O Monitor output for DSP
180 OFTRK I/O Tracking signal input/output for MD3
181 RECP O Laser power changeover signal output
182 EFMO O EFM encode data output for the record
183 PAUSE_KEY I Pause key input terminal
184 PROTECT I Recording protector detection input for normal disc
185 OPT_DET I Optical digital input plug detection input terminal “H”: optical in
186 XJACK_DET I Line input plug detection input terminal “L”: plug in
187 XMIC_DET I Microphone input plug detection input terminal “L”: plug in
I Open switch input terminal
189 XCS_ADC O Chip select signal output for A/D converter
190 XPD_ADC O Power control signal output for A/D converter
191 NC — Not used
192 XRST_LCD O Reset signal output for the LCD module
193 USB_WAKE I System wake up signal input by USB connect
194 A7CAL_SW O A7 offset voltage CAL on/off control signal output terminal Not used