Display the MAC address of this product.
1. - [Setup] - [ Connection] - [Disp MAC Address].
The MAC address is displayed.
How to Use Menu operations Setup
This product shares the SSID/password for [Send to Smartphone] and [Ctrl with Smartphone]
with a device that has permission to connect. If you want to change the device that is permitted
to connect to this product, reset the SSID/password by the following procedure.
1. - [Setup] - [ Connection] - [SSID/PW Reset] - .
After resetting the SSID/password, you must set the smartphone again.
How to Use
Menu operations Setup
Network Info Reset
In addition to the SSID/password, you can also reset the information of the access point, etc. If
you want to change the access point to connect to, reset the connection information by the
following procedure.
1. - [Setup] - [ Connection] - [Network Info Reset].
After resetting the connection information, you must set the smartphone or the access point