Create a GPRS, HSCSD or CSD Connection 21
Create a GPRS, HSCSD or CSD Connection
1. Click or select View Connection Wizard. The Connection Wizard opens.
2. Select the radio button next to Create a new connection, enter a name, for example
‘My Connection’, click Next.
Your connection name should not exceed 16 characters for it to be fully visible in
GC79 Manager.
3. The Type of Connection screen opens. From here you select the type of connection
you require:
• For GPRS see steps 4 to 8
• For CSD/HSCSD see steps 9 to 12
GPRS Connection
4. Select GPRS. Select your Network Operator from the Choose Network drop down list.
If your Network Operator isn’t listed selected <Other>. Click Next.
See GSM Network and Subscription on page 8 for more information on GPRS.
Type the first letter of the Network Operator you require into the field to list all the operators
that start with that letter.
5. The Access Point Name dialog opens. Your Network Operator’s Access Point Name or Names
(APNs) are displayed, select the APN you want to use. If no APNs are listed contact your
Network Operator and ask them to supply an APN.
6. To modify the selected APN’s settings, Click Advanced.... See Appendix A - GSM Connection
Parameters on page 74, for descriptions of the updateable parameters in the Advanced dialog.
Click Apply to save any changes before closing the dialog. Click Next.
7. If you have a logon for your service provider, enter you User ID and Password into the specific
fields. If you don’t need a username and password to connect leave the fields blank. Click Next.
Some versions of Windows
deliberately change the number of asterisks that represent a
password and place asterisks in the password field when the password is blank in order to
make the display secure.
8. Click Finish to create your connection or Back to review your settings.